Classroom Resources on Drug Effects

Lessons, activities, and drug facts to educate teens about the effects and consequences of drug use.

Genes Affect Addiction

Lesson Plan and Activity Finder

Free lessons and other classroom activities based on national standards.


National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®

Join NDAFW by sharing why you want to SHATTER THE MYTHS about drug use and health.

Drug Facts for Students

Drug Facts for Students

Facts on the health effects and consequences of drug use for students.

A Dangerous Mix

Scholastic Heads Up

Lessons and activities on drugs, drug use, and life skills from Scholastic.

Substance Use Prevention: A Resource Guide for School Staff

Federal School Resource Guide Now Available

A resource guide released by ONDCP for evidence-based prevention programs in school settings.

Addiction Science Award

Addiction Science Award

View Addiction Science Award winners!


Videos for Students

Videos help students understand the effects and consequences of drugs. .

Easy-to-Read Drug Facts

Easy-to-Read Site

Drug facts written for people with limited literacy skills (includes audio feature).

Drugged Driving Info-graphic


Visually engaging graphics on the latest statistics and trends on teen drug use.